Wednesday 28 September 2011

Flipping Tortillas

So sorry to keep posting about food but this recipe is nice.. first get 7 people into a small kitchen to peel & slice 5 tatties and dice one onion - fry both in a frying pan with about 1" of olive oil for about 10 minutes. (Meanwhile have a meeting). Beat 5 eggs in a jug with seasoning. Pour off the spare hot oil then pour tatties into the egg mix. Return to the pan and fry until the bottom is cooked put a foil covered lid on top of the mix and turn upside down. Then slide it back into the frying pan to cook the other side. Our team leader reccomends repeating this last step after a bit. (Means you get a second round of applause?) It was delicious served with Spanish roast chicken. At 9 months it was the best Susannah had tasted.

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