Just had our first Orkney visitors to the flat..Lauren & Malcolm Marwick from Finstown along with Grandma Marwick daughter Val and grandaughter Briony spent the day here. The girls set about downing enough beer that they could use the bottles to play a scale.. You will be glad to hear it was special Aussi Ginger beer.

Today was Labour Day so it is a National Public Holiday, technically the first day of summer and the day plant lettuce to swim in the sea for the first time. Oddly when we were in the USA Labour Day marked the end of summer and the day to put away your garden furniture. Droll.
We spent a great afternoon feeding ducks at Woodlands estate and then heard Malcolm say that wherever they go in NZ it is sunny while they are out of doors and it rains when they come in - sure enough as soon as the meal was ready the heavens opened!
However it did not rain on Saturday all day so that is a first!!
Malcolm & sister Val in Woodlands Estate Gardens not often are they on the same continent!
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