Wednesday 28 October 2009


Sorry guys it turned out we had inadvertantly blocked your comments - we thought we were protecting our reputation as future missionaries but it turns out we had
a) Blocked friends' comments too and
b) there was apparently no reputation to protect.
So please feel free to comment whatever you want, we promise to read each one (unlike the Commentaries in the library). We are now countdown to Christmas holidays on 5th December so if you plan to send us a Christmas card just send it to Finstown in the usual way it is quicker and cheaper.


  1. so first you block us and then you pull a moonie. Sounds like a typical night out for Les's birthday.

  2. Why aren't you reading the commentaries in th library? I thought that's why you went all that distance!
    Glad to see you're still having fun though (despite all the hard work)!
    The winter has begun to set in here! Dark and wet!

  3. I don't remember that happening at Les's last birthday?!? I remember some other things however and have the photographic evidence to prove it. haha :)

  4. Ahah the guy in the kilt (Al) was being inappropriate at Mum's 80th birthday bash, it was women who were inappropriate at Les's (You know who you are!!) And yes we have handled the commentaries a lot in the past week and I have covered most on the Old Testament ones in sticky backed plastic. (The librarian heard I had an OT Diploma)
