Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Time with the new generation..

Such a good visit last week from the Frier family! After a year in your host country you are allowed visitors from home. Miriam & Mick came before Miriam went back to work ater her maternity leave. 10 days wasn't long enough to explore but the girls kept up a good pace walking round sites, shopping and visiting play parks. They slept all night while the adults wilted, whined, ate too much and planned siestas. The three chicas in the photo weer the ones who got sick - in fact this photo was taken 5 minutes before the flood started!

The cast from right to left;

Emilie Fiona, Fiona Ann & Rebekah Josie

On the right Emilie shops... so like her Mum on a mission!

1 comment:

  1. Normally Rebekah only has eyes for Emilie, but then there was novelty value in seeing Fiona
