Monday 5 March 2012

The (not so) Wee Kirkcaldy Centipede

Heading for Church we saw a thing like a long caterpillar, or a centipede in fact more than 2 feet long, whatever it was. Les counted 54 segments marching in line to cross the street. In fact we discovered it was the Pine Processionary Caterpillar which is highly poisonous even if one of it's hairs blows off and touches you. Apparently they leave their wee silky sleeping bags on the pine trees and march off to find soft ground to borrow in. While we watched one got lost and the whole line had to halt and wait for it to come back into line. I was so keen to realign it I was about to poke it back into line - thank goodness I left well alone as the poison can cause death. We came back after 3 hours and they had made it safely across the street - apparently to birds and other animals they appear to be a snake so get left alone, phew!

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