Sunday, 27 March 2011

At a market in Madrid

 A market in Madrid with such posh lentils - you have no idea! We wandered all afternoon and spent nothing (thankfully!) In Stromness the only lentils were Scott's red lentils but very similar to the ones we saw here front right!

 Then in the exotic fruit kisok there was... beetroot!!? Next to Guava, pomegranites and apricots it was unexpected. Donals always told us tomatoes were fruit, although he knew better than to put them in fruit salad, but beetroots? I think not.
My favourite stall was "The Home of Salt Fish"  I could have lived there except it was too late in the day and the fish was all gone - better luck next week! To cheer me up I was able to look at the new season's Spanish strawberries - yum some were the size of Emilie's hands and some were the size of her feet. As for the display of Gin bottles it put my minture gin bottle collection to shame - I mean theirs were full - mine are all empty. Funny that.

Korean Kiwis

So happy to be reunited with HyeKyoung, HyungJin & Zion at the acceptance day at Bulstrode on our way to Spain. New Zealand friends will recognise Stephen, Martha, Jo and Joshua who also came to say hello. Lots of talk of Eastwest and also of future plans...

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Blog off Cowans!

 Had a great day on Sunday, went to Church thinking we were getting a low key send-off but the congregation pulled out a few stops with singing our favourite songs and gathering round to pray for us before we left. To top it all Ken anounced he was taking a photie with his wide angled lense. 20 minutes earlier the front row had been full of kids before they escaped - good day!
And Tuesday morning was also a good day at our last interchurch prayer group in the town hall, only two escaped before Les managed to take this photo.. goodbye Orkney Prayer Warriors!

Great Party - thanks guys

Thursday, 10 March 2011

MINUS Information PLUS

Today is another day of note... the couriers have come to collect our business interests and we are now MINUS the business formerly called Information PLUS. Having spent two days packing up all our records and customer lists ready for collection the office is about to be no more. The awards on the back wall are supplemented by some original artwork from Donald & Andrew. Maybe this is why the picture shows Les with his heart glowing with pride!

Meandering Menu...

Well it is over 30 years since I went on a meandering menu and now we live in a town it has been possible to do it again. Our friend Cameron was 40 today and so a few pals joined us here for Tapas and Cava as starters before we 'meandered' to his Mums's for excellent Kale and Pork wae Clapshot (his choice). To conclude - and it was snowing by now - we went to our neighbours for Raspberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Gateau and finally - the birthday cake, featuring every car he has ever owned. At the eleventh hour I had been hoping his mum wasn't getting him another for his birthday as there was just no parking places left!!.