Monday, 6 September 2010

It's a new day!

Here is the sun rising on a new day as we pack up and leave our balcony view and head off into the sunrise! We set off on Sunday morning to deliver Donald to Napier University and then have our Psychological Assessments before arriving at Bulstrode to see if WEC can rumble us during the three months of Candidates Orientation. If we are accepted this will be the last time we waken to sunrise over the Bay of Firth - certainly for the forseeable future and probably for the unforseeable future too! End of an era, library emptied and sold with all our CDs, (don't worry there are plenty of 78s in the loft if MP3 players become unsustainable and wind ups come back in) boys both off to pastures new and even the parents flown the nest. Scary.

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