So it was a first for us both but being trainee missionaries we thought maybe the King's business entltled us to travel business class on the way home. We were met and shown to our seats with a rather nice bottle of Bollinger and it took Fiona the whole trip to finish it (the bottle, not the glass) Les had a nice claret with his cheeseboard and although we had proper beds , blankets and pillows we were enjoying it too much to sleep! In the in flight magazine was an article entitled "Destination Madrid!" so we took that as an encouraging next step. There was also
an article on Orkney and even a film choice on John Rae - Orkney's most famous explorer. When we watched a comedy show from last year's Edinburgh Festival

there was a fullscreen shot of Andrew's godfather Martin laughing his head off - Fiona replayed that bit many times!
We were delighted to see our friend Cameron waiting at the barrier for us - just wher we said goodbye 11 months ago. He told us that Fiona's Mum was in Theatre with appedicitis but a couple of hours later we got a text saying she was OK - Welcome back to the real world!
It's alright for some isn't it? The rest of us don't ever expect that luxury! Glad to hear you all got home safe - missing you already.
We talk of you often, what we say varies but we told Jill Rowe all about you because she knows you. Recipes which involve licking the bowl etc.. Life is sweet..hope the swine flu is better!