Thank you all so much for the cards and newsy letters. They are still coming in about 8 a day and we really enjoy reading them. Unlike the UK when you are so busy with organising Christmas that you have no time to read the letters, we can take them out into the sun and laugh at your anecdotes and admire your photos (or vice versa as appropriate). Thanks as well to those of you who managed to get presents past the New Zealand X- ray postal sensors. I don't think Cameron's nativity scene with real straw should have been allowed through but we love it even if it is so small that Sarah's Scottie Dog could have eaten the whole Holy Family. We think it is just the thing for missionaries heading to a Catholic Country with small baggage allowances.

So now we are back in the library we are studying the Catholic Faith without a tutor as they are all away. Any help gratefully recieved from you corespondents. Les is dieting seriously for a couple of hours every day plus doing 40 minutes in the gym. So far he has oiled all the machines which squeak but maybe by next week we will see fitness levels improve. Hope all the diets at home are surviving the cold snap!
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