Folk's I am sorry if this is turning into Countrywoman's Diary. Bessie I am
NOT. However there is a lot to see and comment on in the field of nature, this month has seen a huge increase in the number of Matlos sitting on my knee. (If French is your mother tongue I am not complaining about having a
Matelot on my knee that is quite different...) They fly in through the window and sit on your knee never going any higher or lower - funny that so if you know what they like let us know and we will stop them. Now ants are another thing entirely they go up and up and up until you have to remove

clothing - honestly!
This leads me on to another gripe - do not buy Marks and Spencer's invisible pants. They look good feel great and never show any VPL. But have you ever tried hunting for them in a laundry full of young male missionary students? Not good.
"G'dai mate what have you lost?" Mumble mumble invisible knickers... A design flaw I think.
And then the final gablo of the day - my first praying mantis it was only a young one and already it was 3" long eek - dropped the paintbrush and ran - I'd prefer a horny gollick anyday. Espeially a praying one.