It was just like being back at work taking Anne Taylor a wee home visit to see if she was ready for home. For those of you who don't know Anne & Ewen Taylor they have just moved here from Orkney where Anne was the OT Assistant in our team. Don't you just love the wee red suitcase the OTs gave her when she left to come out here? We got to her new house to flit her in and we both noticed the OTs had already been with a handy rail at the door. It reminded us both of Lambaness so we thought a picture was in order! Sorry for the lack of National news - we are having a really hectic term with 3 assignments a week but will try harder during the holidays!
Hi Folks, finally sussed how to become a 'follower'(complete with only photo on laptop).Will try and send another e-mail but will keep it brief in case it disappears into cyber space again.Angus