We get off early and decide to go the messages. To Woolies which is very near and there are rumours they have Haggis which we need for a Cultural Extravaganza on Saturday. Well they have one can of Irn Bru (which says 39p on the tin but we pay $3.99 at the checkout) but no Haggi roam the aisles. 7 neeps are bought in faith of catching one elsewhere.
Les buys stuff for Paella and other Kiwi treats: L&P (which is just spoot really) and Pineapples Bites which are chocolate sweeties sold by the Kilo. Every bar of Dairy milk we bought we won another one free until we had to change shops as it was embarrasing. The guys outside our flat have been digging a hole for a Hangi - the Maori way of cooking meat is to smoke it underground - can't wait for a taste! And now it is dark. As Lewis Burgon warned us "the darkness comes down like a bang" . He also told us to expect earthquakes every day but thankfully we haven't had much trouble there yet.

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