We awoke to hear Dan the man chopping up a tree for fuel. While he left it drying in the sun he got his hangi pit dug and then they started the fire underground. When the embers started to sink they put stones on top, covered them with pulped banana tree branches then filled the pit with a metal cage of meat (and two chickens) all wrapped in foil. Next came the leaves off the banana tree and to top it all two wet sacks and finally all the earth they had dug out of the pit. An hour before the food festival was ready they dug it all up and hey presto you could smell the roast pork, beef and chicken from our door.
Once we got tore into the meat, haggis and paella it was time for a Cultural feast of singing, dancing, drumming, karate, rap and of course Flower of Scotland on flute & sax.

So today we have a haggis and hangi hangover!