Sunday, 25 March 2018

Trek, Tech and Travel...

I know I blogged a few years ago about my dream life without luggage. I actually love luggage especially in the Trek and Travel shop we have here in town.  For the meantime though I just don't want to travel anywhere. I want all my socks to be in the same country. My country. Bless Les he went and packed all our worldy good into 16 suitcases and several crates. Sorted, they will be home next month.  I was unfit to fly due to fluid in my chest cavity. This meant travelling to Aberdeen by ferry (9 hours in a force 9) so for the next visit they kindly sent an air abulance to collect me and fly at sea level so the cabin pressure caused no damage.
So Les boxes up our life and I bottle up the fluid each morning, hopefully in the month it will takes for our stuff to come home the production will have reduced and the bottles we unpack will be of Spanish wine, gifted by friends. Blisséd bottles!