Friday, 13 May 2016

Poetry please.

 As Donald famously told the curator at Maeshowe it is "Very bad to write on walls!"
I had to write on a wall today after Spanish class. The teacher told me to, honest. We were translating a verse from the Gallego poet Manuel Maria about language and I was supposed to translate it into Scots, and make it rhyme, standing on a chair was the worst bit and having photos taken of my deup!

In Gallego it says:
O idioma é a patria
a esencia máis nosa
a creación comun
meirande é poderoso

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Kiwi Company

We have been very happy to have a tame Kiwi in the house, Romy joined us from WECNew Zealand to help out for a month and she has been great company. Not only did she help in English chat groups but she washed dishes, sanded woodwork and peeled over 3 stones of potatoes! We will be sorry to see her leave and look forward to her return!

Good news with old friends

So last week I was back in the UK for the tests planned for the end of my first year post surgery. I was in Aberdeen two nights for mammograms, check ups and various consultations all of which went well. Had an evening off to celebrate with old friends who traveled down from Orkney to see me and with my bridesmaid Wee Ali as well. So good to catch up over good news after the poor souls had to listen to me moaning for the previous 10 months! And to celebrate we went to the Scottish Ballet, it was not Swan Lake as I have ever seen it before but it was enchanting and the ice cream was fantastic! Thanks lasses!