Monday, 30 March 2015

Inauguration: We are open!

Who would have thought our dark orange painted building would have scrubbed up so well - we were so happy to throw it open for the official inauguration and welcome about 68 people for a buffet and church service to officially mark the start of the mnistry here. I slighly photo-bombed the photo with my sunglasses as Marin our first member to get baptised and our oldest local woman cut the tape. Happy Days! (To be fair I may be second oldest...)

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Burns Night

Burns night came late... "Would some power the giftie gie us tae see wursaels as otherssee us.." Even a torch would have been a help as in January we had no power in the new building! However by March we had enough to boil both tatties and calabaza (in the absence of neeps) It was good but in true Burns style we burned the mince. The cook blamed all the posing for photos "wearing something tartan" i.e. a napkin! There is a video of the ceilidh but it won´t be shown anytime soon!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Pruning time..

So pruning time is here as "The Cooncil" send men oot on the first dry day in weeks to lop the branches off the trees on the road to the cemetry.  When they grow back they will form a green canopy meeting in the middle to give shade in the summer, even though they look odd and ugly at the moment. Reminds me of John 15 and the good news is the bits that get cut off are carted away and dealt with!
Me faither is the gaerd'ner
His son´s the rightfast vine.
He cares aboot the hairst tae come, 
He's luckan fur new wine.
So if he taks his gully
Tae hack aboot thee sheuts..
Cheust nivver heed
Thoo´ll no be deid
If in Him thoo haes thee reuts.