Thursday, 28 June 2012

Skulz out!

 Skulz out for summer so we can spell however we like - use the wrong tense and rabbit on in meaningless phrases or dichos as they are called here.
Dead men pass no marmalade, it has all gone from grapes to pears and it is time to soak your chin.
The top group is our English Chatters in Santa Eugenia while below is the class of 2012 who had a small refreshment with Carolina our teacher (second left) ater my presentation yesterday she has decided to visit Orkney this summer - was there any talk of commission?

Friday, 22 June 2012

I could not resist this - I know I used it for the Communty Care Plan in 2000 but is has more personal relevance at the moment as I am on the other side of the desk now. I finished physio today after 15 sessions, but am only slightly worse. Next up is a specialist in July and then, if no further treatment is available, or if he can't understand my Spanish we may have to consider the Rizzla papers after all!  (Jokes!)

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Ballet or Flamenco? Both!


We had seen Flamenco before in Seville, and we saw it last week from the balcony as some locals got frisky singing and clapping well into the night. This show was different. Quite cheap, like many of Madrid's subsidised arts programmes, but beauitifully staged by the Ballet Flamenco of Andalucia. We accidentaly ended up in the front row so could see every foot tap and even the guitar chords were visible. The dresses were fantastic and the energy was high.

We were struck this time how much the Moorish/Arabic singing style revealed the roots of the south in the gyspy heritage.It is also a bit curious that this show was praised by the great and the good who often have no time for the modern gyspy community.