Thursday, 10 February 2011

Oh happy day!

Madrid - sounding good! I doubt the two frontmen are native Spaniards but how exciting to listen to the voices singing the gospel (not to mention that there are shops in the background!!) We have booked our ferries for travel - leaving Orkney on 18th March arriving Madrid 26th March. You have been warned - if you want to see us now is a good time to book! We will even sing and dance for you if the price is right! Hasta Luego!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Hamnavoe Hurricane

 This is the MV Hamnavoe as she sails past our bedroom window 6 times a day. Thankfully she is tied up at the moment as wind has topped 122 miles per hour - which is officially a hurricane. Thought some of you, who are better sailors than me, might like to see this shot of her earlier on today...